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What kind of information Searchbar provides inside its dashboards?

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What kind of information Searchbar provides inside its dashboards?

Powerful insights

Be empowered with a powerful user behavior dashboard that provides business insights like what people are looking for in you website, why they are leaving and tons of content ideas. user behavior dashboard

User behavior content

  • Quantity of indexed pages
  • Quantity of Searches
  • Quantity of unique Searches
  • Quantity of result's clicks
  • Quantity of unique result's clicks
  • Most clicked search results
  • Most searched terms
  • Most searched terms that brings no results

All those results can be filtered by period (Week, Month, Year) and they are updated in real time.


The dashboard page is unlocked even for free membership, only with a 7 days period filtering restriction.

Upcomming functionalities

The analytics page is constantly evolving, in future we want to add few graphical charts and more filtering options like (by user id, region and language).

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