articles made with love ❤️

The newer version of your favourite custom website search engine has been launched!

We proudly present the new version of your favourite custom website search engine.

Artigos feitos com carinho ❤️

The newer version of your favourite custom website search engine has been launched!

We proudly present the new version of your favourite custom website search engine.

A new layout that fit any website style.

List view (Free), made for websites that prefer the content over the images, like blogs, press, and small websites.

Card view (Premium only), Perfect for stores, photo & design agencies, websites that have an appealing thumbnail image in every page.

Dark Mode (Free), now Searchbar adapts its layout to the user preferences with a automated dark mode.

How do i take the advantages of the new layout?
All accounts have been updated with no action required, if you want to change from list to card mode or just talk with us please drop a letter. 👋

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